Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sunday Scoop 9-27-15

Well, I have just managed to link up with the Teaching Trio this Sunday. We still have about three and a half more hours until Monday here.

So, as you can see, I have a lot of center work to do this week. Actually, I always have a lot of center work, but it is totally worth it. The kids look at the centers like games and enjoy working on them. This is helpful because I need the kids engaged and working, so I can meet with small groups.

I got the centers (and worksheets) for plural nouns from Teacher's Take-Out. Her Plural Pack is awesome! You can click on the link to see for yourself.

One thing that was missing was a sort. I am all about sorting words this year. It is a great way to introduce new ideas and differentiate for kids who need more support. So, I made a quick plural nouns sort today. I thought maybe other people would like the sort as well, so I put it on TpT as a freebie.

I am also working on a new way to store my centers. I had them in the rainbow drawers that everyone has, but I find that kids have trouble getting the centers out quickly. It makes it a bit of a mess when we are rotating.

I am going to try keeping them in the plastic shoe boxes with labels. I will post about them when I finish them, if they work :).

As you can see, I hope to work on TpT stuff this week. It is so hard to get everything done, but I need to find the time to get more done with TpT. I always enjoy being a part of the TpT community - it inspires me to be a better teacher.

Finally, I have been looking forward to the Once Upon a Time premiere for a ridiculously long time, and it is finally here! I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow, so no spoilers :).

I hope you all have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I have literally no storage space in my room, so center storage is an issue for me as well! Hoping to stumble onto a solution soon.
