Thursday, April 23, 2015

First Post on the New Blog

I cannot even describe how excited I am to be writing this post right now! I owe a huge thank you to Jana from Little Web Writing Hood. I am in awe of your creativity and tech savvy. I could never have done this, and I am so grateful that I found you! If you are looking for a new blog design, I strongly recommend checking her out on Etsy!

Well, now that I have my gorgeous new blog up and running, I guess it is time to start sharing. I have been saving up blogging ideas for the past two weeks, so I am not really sure where to start...

I suppose I should begin by introducing myself. Hopefully some of you have followed me over from my old blog: Mrs. O'Donnell's Room, but (also hopefully) lots of you are new to my crazy little world.

The first thing I always share about myself is that I have four kids. I know that once upon a time this wasn't a lot of kids, but these days it is pretty out of the ordinary. Especially having four kids and working outside the home. I don't know about other moms of four kids, but I have to work outside the home. Going into the classroom every day is a break. Maybe that is just because I love teaching so much!

Anyway, here are my four favorite kids in the whole world. (And the cutest kids in the whole world.)


Like all teachers, I have another group I kids I call "My Kids". This group is made up of all of the students I have ever taught. Once you have been in my class, you will forever be one of my kids.

This year I have had so much fun teaching third grade. I moved down from fourth grade last year, and I have to say, I like third better!

Before teaching fourth grade I taught middle school. I fell into teaching middle school because I have a science background, and I needed a job. I ended up teaching it for several years, and I really enjoyed it, but I hated having the kids come and go all day. I am a big "relationship" teacher. Building relationships with the kids in order to guide them to success is why I teach. It is really hard to build these strong relationships when kids come and go every hour. Even when the classes were longer - two hours - it still wasn't enough time for me. I am so impressed by the teachers who can bond with the kids in middle school. It is a tough job!

Moving to elementary school was the best move for me. I have found my place in the world! Plus, I find that having an intimate understanding of the expectations of middle school helps me keep the kids focused on what they really need to know and be able to do by the time the leave elementary school.

I must say that right now I am a little bit boring. I don't have a lot of hobbies. I teach, take care of my kids, and work on my teaching resources business. Isn't that when you know you are doing what you love? When you don't want to do anything else? Well, most of the time anything else.

I feel very lucky to be able to do what I do and share it with you. I look forward to going on this journey with you!

1 comment:

  1. Cate,

    What a cute blog. I love the raindrops at the top. I checked out your blog designer and noticed that they do WordPress sites too! All the designers that I have come across only do blogger. It is definitely worth looking into for those things that I don't know how to do and don't feel like taking the time to figure out. I will see you around. I can't WAIT for the TPT conference this summer.

    Amy Harrison.
