Saturday, May 9, 2015

Five for Fraturday

Well, I didn't quite make it for Friday this week. I think that speaks to the kind of week it has been. Nothing big happened this week, but it was just long... Anyway, I am glad to be wrapping this week up by linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching!

Do you have a "problem" student in your classroom this year? Well, I do. I adore this kid, and I know that he needs lot of love, but at the same time I feel very guilty for how much of my attention he gets. The rest of the class has been really good about it, but is it fair to them? Also, it has affected my management of my entire classroom. I am so busy dealing with his outbursts that I find it hard to cut off less direct misbehavior.

This kid has made incredible progress this year, but I think that next week it will be time to take the expectations up to the next level. I think he can do it if I stay positive and give him enough breaks... I really hope so!

Anyway advice would be appreciated!

In no particular order, here are some of the things I do to organize my week. At the very bottom are the weekly plans I put together. I write down a very brief synopsis of what I am going to do for each subject each day. When I have time, I add links to resources online, but I haven't had time to do that in a while! 

I also used to give each student a homework sheet like the one under the blue pages. They would take this to and from school every day, so parents could see the homework for each night. I stopped creating these for the last trimester since my third grades are almost fourth graders and need to learn how to write down their own homework. It is going okay... Let's just say we definitely need the practice!

Finally, the blue sheets are from the Google Slides presentation I made last week. There is a slide for every activity every day. This really helped me with my transitions last week since I didn't have to write anything on the board when we were moving to a new activity. I think the kids liked them as well.

We have been working on area and perimeter this week. I found that the square tiles I had stashed away in the classroom were perfect for this. The kids got very creative - I only had to remind them a few times that their amazing shapes would be really hard to use to find area and perimeter.

I probably should have turned this picture, but I am way too worn out to think about it right now. This was written by my first grader. It says, "I like dogs because my cousin is a dog." This was too cute! My sister does not have kids yet, but does have a dog that she treats like a baby. 

This week we did "cave art". The kids were so excited to draw in their "caves". I am so lucky to have two incredible and dedicated "Art Moms" who do a different art project every week for our class.

Finally, one last picture for the week. My mom, sister, and I are sending each other selfies every day for a year. At least we are supposed to, I have missed quite a few days this week. Anyway, my mom has pointed out that I never smile in my selfies. I feel so self conscious so I always make a crazy face. So, here you go. One crazy face selfie!

Have a great week!


  1. Congratulations! You have been nominated for the Liebster Award! Head over to my blog, Simple Insights to learn more about it.

    Simple Insights

  2. I avoid selfies! I always look so silly. I really like your slides. I do something similar using Power Point. I project our daily I CAN statement, agenda, and directions so that the kids can refer back to them.
    Laughter and Consistency

  3. Google Slides is really similar to Power Point. I have moved over to Google Slides because you can access it from anywhere, so I can easily work on things at home and then pull them up at school without e-mailing. I used to have dozens of e-mails from myself with work from home/school, and I still would forget things!
