Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My Goals for the Summer

So, I am staying up way too late to link up with I Heart Grade 3 for her weekly summer link-up. This week's topic: Goals for the Summer. Let me tell you, I have quite a few, and they are big!

1. Write Curriculum for Next Year

Yep, that's right. Write curriculum. Why on Earth would I have to do that, you ask. Well, our district does not provide curriculum. We have this weird online portal they are building that has links to different resources and lessons, but that just doesn't work for me, so I am making my own. Well, as much as I can.

This year we decided to use Engage NY for math, and I really liked it for a lot of reasons. However, I also really didn't like it for a lot of reasons too. I have already made my new math plan, and while it doesn't work in the same order as Engage NY, I will be using a lot of their ideas. 

Luckily, for reading and writing, I have been creating a lot this year, so I will just have to pull from resources I have already created.

2. Vegas, Baby!

Not really a goal, but I am so excited for Vegas! It is going to be a huge whirlwind because we are only coming in for two days (one night!). I still need to get my stuff ordered... I guess that is a goal...

3. Up My Performance on Teacher's pay Teachers

Teachers pay Teachers has been so good to me. It is a blessing in my life for so many reasons. However, I really neglected it last year while I was pregnant, and I didn't see the growth I was capable of. 

Now it is time to nurture my little store again and get back to business! I have a dream that someday my husband will be able to stay home and take care of our many, many kids. I know I can make that happen if I stick with it!

4. Start a Video Presence

I have been wanting to add a video presence to my TpT Universe for a long time, but it is really hard to shoot videos with four kids running around - well, you know, three running and one crawling. I am really committed to getting this videos made this summer. We are hiring two, yes, two, babysitters to watch the kids, so I can take care of business.

Well, I am super-pumped for summer now! It is like ten months long, right? Anyway, thanks for reading! Be sure to click on the picture at the top of this post to visit the linky and read all about everyone else's summer goals!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cate!

    Thank you for coming and participating in my very first Linky Party! I'm glad to have you on board and hope that you are able to link up throughout the summer.

    Hopefully we will be able to meet up while in Vegas! Last year my husband came with me and we made a mini-vacation out the conference. Last year it was only 1 day so while I was at the conference, my hubby was chilling at the spa at the Venetian! This year I am going alone and it will be a quick trip. I'm arriving on the 8th in time for some blogger meet-ups and then I am heading home on the 10th.

    Looking forward to reading more from you! I love your blog theme, by the way! It reminds me of Mary Poppins - my absolute favourite!

    Take care,

